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Alicante, Spain
This Blog has been created by an adventurer,traveler and fun-junkie.An English woman living in Spain,who runs a British sailing school with her gorgeous husband and is passionate about adventure sports and the environment - and willing to share the good stuff with you.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Yacht Maintenance & Anti-Fouling

Every year or two we have to take our yacht, Serenity, out of the water for maintenance and do to something called 'anti-fouling'. When you anti-foul a boat you basically paint the belly (hull) with a substance that discourages growth e.g. barnacles and other marine life. If you didn't do this your boat would not go through the water so well as this growth, creates resistance.
Having the yacht out of the water also makes other jobs easier and we normally use the time to give Serenity a lot of tlc.
One of my friends asked how you get a boat out of the water, so I thought I would show you some pictures.

Serenity backs in to a holding area and a huge crane comes along, two harnesses go underneath her.

Then they lift her out of the water and pressure wash off all the crud.

She's then put on stilts so that we can work on her hull (belly). We paint and polish the sides and clean up the propellers.

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