My photo
Alicante, Spain
This Blog has been created by an adventurer,traveler and fun-junkie.An English woman living in Spain,who runs a British sailing school with her gorgeous husband and is passionate about adventure sports and the environment - and willing to share the good stuff with you.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

St Lucia & The Time of My Life!!

Becoming a commissioned writer has it's ups and downs! Starting out on a new path is always exciting, but what about the old paths? The Blogs, the Twitter postings, the attention to photo galleries and the million other daily tasks?!

I'm going to make a conscious effort to write more on me! I have so much to share!!

For example, my recent stay in St Lucia; AM-AZ-ING! I have stacks of notes and photos to share with you here and as I stayed in three different resorts during my trip, I can provide adventure enthusiasts with a precious insight about life on the island.

I'm chumping at the bit to get this stuff online; but have deadlines :( So bear with me chaps and I will be back in full force over the next two weeks.

Ciao for now :)

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